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How to get a flat and firm stomach? Here are some tips

Want a firm and flat stomach? You can have it by next season's slimmer wardrobe, but you need to commit to it and persevere. Introducing some great exercises for all groups of abdominal muscles that will help you have the tummy you have always wanted! Remember, without a healthy diet, proper and regular exercise, the results will never be so quickly apparent. Take care of yourself this winter and feel great in your body!
Reduce waist circumference
The best tips to fulfill your biggest wishes, a straight, firm, seductive belly that everyone will look on with admiration.
There are two stories that will reveal the impact of sleep, body posture, eating habits, exercise, and the need to exercise.
Get rid of back pain!
Drop the chest in the supine position
This exercise strengthens the muscles of the chest and back and acts as a prevention of low back pain.
How to exercise?
Lie on your stomach, your hips should be on the floor, place your hands under your chin (lie down in the hip position so that they can be pushed away if necessary) and:
    Tighten your back muscles,
    Raise the chest approximately 30 to 35 degrees from the floor,
    Stop and then slowly lower to the starting position.
Table exercises
Lift your knees to a sitting position.
    This is a very practical abdominal strengthening exercise where you can wear high heels and a skirt.
How to Exercise Properly?
    Sit straight in a chair with no handles,
    Hold your hands by the edges of the sitting part of the chair - next to your hips,
    Slowly lift your knees toward your chest and exhale at the same time. Make sure your back is pressed against the back of the chair.
Number of repetitions
Take the test and find out. Do as much tummy work as you can, making sure your feet are firmly on the ground, knees bent, arms behind your neck raised about 10 inches from the floor (only until you lift your shoulders).
Do the exercise slowly, lift for 3 seconds, stay in that position for about 1 second and lower again for about 3 seconds.
How ideal is it to do reps?
If you managed to work up to 5 abdomen - 1 repetition
If you managed to do 6 to 10 bellies - 2 reps
If you managed to do 11 to 15 bellies - 3 reps
If you managed to do over 16 bellies - 4 reps
Do 3 reps with a one-minute break. E.g. If you made 13 correct bellies, now do 3 times 10 bellies each.
Remember to test yourself after a while - you will certainly notice progress and be able to do more reps.
More advanced version: Raise your legs parallel to the floor (knees still bent) and continue as we said.
Worst situation: Above 50
If this number does not bring you results, then it will not be 100 or 200. The quality of the exercise, not the quantity, is important. It is the quality that shapes the muscles. If you want the repetition rate to remain challenging, change your abdominal muscle strengthening exercises.
Best Exercise: Abdomen with raised legs
Regular tummy tucks become more effective if you simultaneously lift your legs (knees still flexed) and keep them parallel to the floor and at right angles to the floor. This exercise is more effective because the upper abdominal muscles work harder since the legs and hips do nothing.
How to do it properly: Place the body in the position described above - with your feet up only.
Worst case scenario: Common abdomen.
This exercise strengthens the muscles in the hips without nearly straining the abdominal muscles. But that's why he loads his back.
Best exercise: groin tummy.
An exercise that is effective for waist shaping.



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